Thank you so much for downloading your free “Stop Tattling” kit!
Kelso’s Choices has been helping children (plus teachers and school counselors) dramatically reduce tattling and conflict for over 25 years. While the entire system is a robust collection of tools and techniques created by early childhood professionals, what you see below are some quick-start methods to begin to significantly and positively impact the behavior of children from Pre-K to the 5th grade.
Click Here to access instructions to your free Stop Tattling Starter Kit:
Click on the image/links below to download your free printables!
Kelso Lesson – Grade 1: Respectful
A “Kelso Says” game to teach young students the importance of polite words (or “Manners Words”) in a fun, engaging way.
Kelso Lesson – Grade 4: Responsible
A interactive lesson teaching students the responsibilities required of different careers.
Parent Letter click here.
Bonus! Download lessons, lyrics sheets, counselor-created content and much more! Click here.