Fifteen Fun Ways to Use Your Kelso Puppet

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One of the best-loved components of the Kelso system are the Kelso and Lily puppets. Versatile, flexible and fun, you can use your puppets to bring your lessons to life. Through years of hearing from teachers and counselors, we’ve crafted this short list of fresh new ways to use your Kelso puppets.

Now redesigned to be roomier and have more expression, Kelso puppets are an excellent addition to your toolkit. A few ways to use Kelso and Lily:

  1. Puppets are a good tool to get young children’s attention: when you introduce a concept to the kids, have Kelso do it! Kids pay more attention when Kelso does the talking.
  1. Soothe someone who is sad. A quiet moment with the Kelso puppet can soothe someone having a sad moment. Explain that Kelso is very special, and is a great listener. Then give the child a quiet place to play with Kelso.
  2. Kelso as reward. When kids know that the reward for good behavior is the privilege of being the keeper of the Kelso puppet for the day (or a period), they line up to make good choices!
  3. New student/first day introductions. Worried about putting shy kids on the spot? Hand them Kelso and let Kelso make the introductions. If the puppet is the one who’s “introducing them,” that’s easier for some students. Encourage students to use Kelso to express thoughts they might be shy about expressing as themselves.
  4. Kelso puppet as a way of reinforcing lessons learned in the video vignettes. You’ve taught the lessons, and you’ve had the kids watch the video vignettes in your Kelso’s Choice Conflict Management Kit, or our new Digital kit. Now hand the kids the puppet and have them reenact them.
  5. Have Kelso compliment a student. Acknowledgement from a teacher or counselor is great. A shout-out from Kelso? Priceless!
  6. Have Kelso remind kids about a behavior you want to reinforce, like raising hands to ask a question, or lining up in an orderly way for hand-washing before lunch.
  7. Use Kelso to get the creative juices flowing. It’s well-known that role-playing is a great way for kids to internalize lessons. When kids are imagining scenarios, have Kelso get involved!
  8. Have a “side” conversation” with Kelso and “accidentally” have students overhear. A great way to reinforce concepts and signal a transition in a new, fun way that is sure to catch kids’ attention.
  9. Use Kelso to name part of the room, like the “Kelso Corner for Kids to Make Good Choices.” Make the area fun, to build positive connections.
  10. Instill holiday cheer. We know you put all kinds of outfits on Kelso (we see you!). From a straw summer hat to the school colors, Kelso lends himself to all kinds of gear. Host a contest for most creative idea, and change his outfit once a week. Be sure to include Lily in on the fun.
  11. Make self-expression less threatening. A child may feel shy about sharing a problem. But if you give him Kelso and ask for Kelso to tell the story, that may feel like a safer way for a child to express himself.
  12. Add Kelso to your puppet center. Teachers often use puppets in learning centers to help kids express themselves and use play as learning. When kids have been introduced to Kelso lessons, adding a Kelso puppet to the class puppet center makes repeating lessons about good choices effortless.
  13. Kelso as “mini me.” Dress up in a green onesie and perch Kelso on your shoulder for a special occasion. We’ve seen counselors dress as Kelso for assemblies or for dress-up holidays. Kids love it!
  14. Kelso as counseling office “greeter.” Conversations can be fun when they start with Kelso.

BONUS: Kelso as class mascot. Enough said! When Kelso represents the class, good choices flourish!

Do you have a fun way you like to use your Kelso and Lily puppets? Drop us a line at customerservice (at) kelsoschoice (dot) com and let us know. We’ll update with new ideas as we receive them!

Want to grab a set of the newly redesigned, roomier Kelso and Lily? Click here.


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