Stop tattling in the classroom
How do you stop tattling in the classroom?
The first step is answering how to stop tattling in the classroom is to understand why children do it. The basic answer to this question is that children tattle because they just don’t have the skills to solve problems on their own. Whether it’s trying to get attention from a teacher or “right the wrongs” they see around them, tattling is fundamentally an issue of not taking ownership.
What are the proven techniques to stop tattling in the classroom?
Tattling is about not taking ownership. When kids don’t have the skills to solve problems, they tattle. It stands to reason that giving children those skills is the way to reduce tattling. Created by educators who have been grappling with issues of classroom management for decades, the Kelso’s Choice Management System offers solid tools, activities, reproducibles and much more. Here are a few of our top tips:
- Teach kids the difference between a “big problem” and a “small problem.” If it makes them feel unsafe in a major way, they should always feel comfortable going to a trusted adult.
- Introduce them to the 9 simple Kelso’s Choices that give them the power to solve their own small problems. Click here for an instant download of our free Stop Tattling Kit. It includes the Kelso’s Choice wheel, an easy way for kids to remember these choices.
- Plan fun activities to bring the choices to life. We’ve got some free activities on our Stop Tattling Kit. Click here.
- Teach the kids the Kelso’s Choice song. It’s catchy! Watch the video. Click here.
- Print out our fun Stop Tattling poster and post it as a reminder! Get it with your instant download: click here.