Congratulations to our 1st (of 3) Facebook Photo Contest Winner:
Robin Jones of new Stuyahok, Alaska!

“I cannot stop talking about how excited I am for the new Building Character with Kelso curriculum. My students already
LOVE Kelso’s Choice and will definitely
benefit from his character education lessons as well!”Robin Jones, Assistant Principal/School Counselor- Chief Ivan Blunka SchoolThe contest started on Monday, September 10th, and Robin Jones was determined as the winner on September 16th with a total of 277 Facebook “likes”. Robin Jones is the Assistant Principal/School Counselor of the Chief Ivan Blunka School in New Stuyahok, Alaska! Her winning photo displayed native students showing respect to the local Yup’ik Eskimo Elders who were putting on a traditional musical performance.
Check out her winning photo!